How the HCG Protocol Works


Both men and women have the HGC hormone. However, it is found in larger amount in pregnant women when their bodies are working to utilize body fat to feed the baby they’re expecting. The HCG diet works to mimic this way the metabolism works in pregnant women to help protect your muscles and reduce unwanted fat. It’s important for the safety of your health that you enlist an HCG diet doctor to administer the proper dose of the hormone.

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Why a Very Low Calorie Diet Is Necessary

It’s important that you essentially fool your brain so it enters into starvation mode causing your body to use fat reserves. You will be on a 500 calorie a day diet and it can last up to forty days. You’ll be under the supervision of an HCG diet doctor and will be monitored to ensure everything is safe and working effectively. We’ll also be there to cheer you own and help you stay motivated. By taking fast action to reduce calorie intake, you’ll find that you see weight loss results rapidly, and will be encouraged to continue to move in the right direction.

The HCG Diet Advantages

Crash diets will often reduce calories and slow down your metabolism making you feel lethargic, and making it seem almost impossible to fight cravings. The HCG diet also protects your metabolism because it won’t suffer an impact once the diet is complete. This way you can start a healthy eating plan that incorporates a variety of foods to lose more weight, or if you are working to maintain your weight, you can enjoy some of those more succulent treats occasionally. However, it’s important that you stay in touch with the professional nutritionists so that you continue to get the educational aspects of health and keeping the weight off.



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